110 Questions That Tell A Life Story
After more than two decades interviewing people, personal historian Cory Bretz has cobbled together a long list of basic questions that can help you tell your life story, share your family history, and talk about the wisdom of your life.
The only part of a life story video that is irreplaceable and can't be gotten anywhere else is a video interview with a real, live person. Arrange a video interview today for your mother, father, grandparents, and spouse.
- What was your name at birth?
- How did your parents pick your name?
- What date where you born?
- Did your parents talk about giving birth to you?
- What else happened the day you were born?
- Who is / was your mother?
- Describe what she looked like.
- Describe your Mother’s personality.
- What's your mother’s full name including maiden name?
- Who were your mother’s parents (your maternal grandparents)?
- Where did they come from?
- Where were they born and when?
- Who are your mother’s siblings, your aunts and uncles?
- Where did your mother grow up?
- What did your mother do in her life?
- Who is / was you father? What is his full name?
- How did they choose his name?
- Describe what your father looked like.
- Describe your father’s personality.
- Who were your father’s parents (your paternal grandparents)?
- Where did they come from?
- Where were they born and when?
- Who are your father’s siblings, your aunts and uncles?
- Where did your father grow up?
- What did your father do in his life?
- What is your earliest memory?
- What kind of a child were you?
- Did anyone in your family (including aunts, cousins, etc.) have unusual or special characteristics?
- Was anyone especially funny, intelligent, loud, rich or talented?
- How would you describe the home you grew up in?
- Did you have your own bedroom?
- What did it look like?
- Describe your family’s celebrations or parties like Christmas, Chanukah, etc.
- What was your neighbourhood or community like?
- Did you have favorite places you liked to go in your neighborhood?
- What kind of student were you?
- Did you enjoy school?
- Did you get good grades?
- Were there any school teachers you particularly liked?
- Were you involved in any clubs, sports, activities or hobbies?
- Name your siblings and describe them.
- What were your brothers and sisters like when they were children?
- What trips or travels did your family do together when you were a kid?
- Did your family attend a church, synagogue, mosque, or temple?
- What role did religion or spirituality play in your childhood family?
- Did you have a best friend or friends while in school?
- Who were they and what brought you together?
- Who were the people you were especially close to?
- Were there any adults you admired, respected or trusted?
- What advice did your parents give you?
- What lessons did they try to instill?
- How did your relationship with your parents change as you all got older?
- How have your relationships with your siblings changed over time?
- When did you feel you had become an adult?
- When did you leave home and what were the circumstances?
- Were you ever married?
- How did you meet your spouse?
- What made you first notice your spouse?
- What did you like best about him or her?
- How did the marriage proposal happen?
- What did they say?
- What did you say?
- How did decide to marry your spouse?
- What was the opinion of your family and parents?
- Describe your wedding? The dress, the ceremony, and the reception.
- What was the honeymoon like?
- Where did you go?
- .Where did you and your spouse first live after your wedding?
- Did you have children?
- What was it like to become a parent?
- Who are your children?
- What are their names and dates of birth?
- What traits do your children share?
- How do your children differ from one another?
- What level of education did you reach?
- How did you approach studying?
- What was your first job?
- How did you get that job?
- How old were you?
- How did you decide on your most recent or current career?
- Were there other career paths you considered taking?
- What are you most proud of in relation to your career or vocation?
- Do you have any regrets about your career or work?
- If you could go back and start over again, would you make different choices? If so, what?
- If you are retired, what was it like leaving work and starting your life of retirement?
- Were you in the military? What branch? What were your activities? How did it affect your life or values?
- Have you ever done volunteer work? If so, what did you do and why?
- When you go to vote on Election Day, how do you decide who to vote for?
- What do you think about the political system and politics?
- If you and your spouse have separated and/or divorced, talk about that process and what you learned about relationships and yourself?
- What would you tell your grandchildren about love relationships?
- If your spouse has died, describe their passing. How has that affected you? What have you learned about yourself?
- How do you most like to spend your time these days?Do you work? Attend classes? Volunteer?
- Do you make donations to charities?If someone approaches you on the street with their hand out, what do you do?
- What new things have you learned in the past year?Describe your most favorite meal? Do you know the recipe?What languages do you read, write, or speak?
- What countries have you lived in?
- Have you traveled to foreign countries? What was the reason for your travels?
- What are the things that most interest you these days?
- What political issues or world events most concern you?
- What is a typical day like for you?
- What are your relationships with your parents like? Siblngs? Kids?
- Who do you go to in your family when you need advice or need a “shoulder to cry on?”
- How would you describe yourself now?
- If you were to say something unique and inspirational to each grandchild or great grandchild, what would you tell them?
- Have there ever been rumours about you, unfounded or otherwise?
- Have there ever been newspaper, radio, or television stories written about you? What was the story?
- Have you ever received awards or certificates? For what and why?
- Have you ever been to a casino? How do you feel about gambling?
- What is your favourite game for fun? Chess, checkers, cards, etc?
- How have you handled you emotions like sadness, anger, fear?