Family History Book Delivered Around The World
Celine Cassidy approached Heirloom Films and Storybooks to make a book about her family. It’s called Metal Of The Earth because her father, grand father, and great grand father all worked in the steel smelting business going back to the 1800’s.
The book includes family trees – descendant charts – that we built with and shared with their family. At the time the book went to press Celine’s sister-in-law was expecting a baby that was due within weeks. To make sure that yet unborn child had a place in the book and the family’s history, we included her ultrasound image and the name “Baby Girl Cassidy”!
“My mum and dad were both so happy because they got to contribute their own writings. The finished book is gorgeous!”, said Celine.
The final books were printed in full colour on acid free paper and bound with a full wrap graphic laminated cover. These books will be around a long, long time!
Celine delivered this book as a Christmas gift to her family members in Canada, England, and Australia! They were thrilled.
>>>Click here to see the book Metal Of The Earth