
Writing Assignment #2 About The Author

Lesson 7 Module 2

Every book has a page called "About the author"...that's you!

Step 1: Write 3 paragraphs about yourself in 3rd Person.

"He is a witty guy with jokes that are hilarious - after being explained." " She has been known to snoop in desks, drawers, and closets looking for a photo of that mysterious uncle who ran away with the circus when he was a kid."

If you don't know what to say summarize some of the stuff you would put on the Life Story Questionnaire about yourself. 

He was famous for. 

Her best achievement was

His greatest challenge was

Her unique talent is 


A few writing tips:   

Don't edit, don't even spell check. Just rrite. . Suspend judgement. Lower you expectations. Just write what you think of, without evaluating it. You'll edit it later. 

Step 2: Grab Your Mugshot

You're going to need a single photo of you for your About The Author page. Grab the first photo you find of you. Don't fret over how you look. You can replace it later. Just find that photo and put it into your Photos folders in the folder with your name on it. 

Congrats! You're an author.

