So your goal is to write your book, you say!
And now it's time to get started.
This first week of the course Write & Publish Your Family History Book is all about setting into place the motivation and method for getting those words flowing. Make sure your writing space is set up, your computer is ready to go, and add several writing dates with yourself each week on your calendar. You might need to temporarily pass on some other activities to claim your writing time. Then put your phone on mute and close all apps that will pop up notifications. Get writing!
Full disclosure: The sheer number of initial systems you need to set up and tweak to be an efficient author is something that you'll always be working on. We'll be covering all this stuff in class but get started going through the list, downloading to your own drive the documents and software. You're about to have so much fun!
PS: Start a list of Questions for our Q&A Sessions.
PPS: Google is your friend. If you're stuck or wondering about something just type it into and you'd be surprised how fast you can find an answer.
Write and store your history book text Manuscript in a Google Doc that is continuously backed and accessible on all your devices.
To write your book you need to be dedicated.