We all have regrets...decisions we made that we wish we'd done differently. That may be the nature of human life, second-guessing ourselves. But our grandchildren and our great grandchildren need to know that it's normal to re-think our decisions and we all do it.
In this video clip you'll see Corporal Edward Walsh talk about the last few days of World War II when he, as a Canadian Forces soldier, lost his best friend Hoolie in a skirmish with Hitler Youth soldiers just inside Germany.
The reason that Ed feels so much regret is that it was his decision to delay immediately shooting the enemy soldiers and he believes it was that decision that caused the death of his best friend. He had carried around his regret for seventy years and hadn't told anyone about it until I interviewed him. It takes the courage of hero for a man to cry in front of another man (and it's very healthy and healing).
I was honoured to hear his story, witness his sadness and tears. I wish I could've found out more about his friend Hoolie.
On the technical end of things you'll see the video editing backend of this film project as I make some adjustments to the background audio music. You'll be able to see how the interview camera footage, old photos, narration, and stock royalty-free music all get put together.
If you've got old war medals or military keepsakes around your house you may have the makings of a book or film about the heroes in your family. Arrange a free consultation so we can talk about what's possible.